Compliance standards from insurers and government regulatory groups although cumbersome, they are put in place to serve a purpose. Sigma 6 Compliance Consulting will identify liabilities and compliance related issues in your organization relating to these standards. We can focus on either revenue and billing cycle compliance or medical performance compliance. By using our compliance auditing programs, we can evaluate a specific area of concern, or look at your entire organization.

A systems wide compliance audit can help you identify regulatory deficiencies that affect both revenue streams and patient quality metrics. Quality metrics not only affect the patient, they are usually tied into bonus structures from the payors. By rectifying at this level, you can not only increase the quality of your organization, but payments received.

Sigma 6 Compliance Solutions are designed to help initiate, facilitate, and monitor corrective practices that will take your organization to the highest tier of compliance. Regular feedback and increased transparency is a byproduct of this service and will improve work as well as patient care.